Greetings Weyburn Thrasher Families!! The Weyburn Lacrosse Association is excited to announce that Registration for the 2025 Thrasher’s Box Lacrosse Season is NOW OPEN!!
We can’t wait to have you all back for another fun-filled Lacrosse Season.
YES!! The U5 Learning Lax Together Program will return to our Regular Season!! This program consists of 6 - 30 minute sessions held on a weekly basis. U5 are exempt from fundraising, and are here to have fun and fall in love with the game of Lacrosse!! Parents, please be ready to help your young athlete on the floor. A great way to create memories!!
The season will start in late March to early April and run until late June. Our goal is for each age Division U7 to U17 will practice twice a week on consistent dates and times. Practises will be held at Tom Zandee Sports Arena or Crescent Point Place.
U5- 1x 30 minute practise session - 5:30-6:00 pm Once a week on Tuesday or Thursday, to be organized closer to the season beginning.
U7- 2x 45 minute practice sessions - 5:30-6:15 pm Tuesday & Thursday.
U9- 2x 1 hour practice sessions - 6:15-7:15 pm Tuesday & Thursday.
U11- 2x 1.25 hour practice sessions - 5:30-6:45 pm Monday & Wednesday.
U13- 2x 1.25 hour practice sessions - 6:45-8:00 pm Monday & Wednesday.
U15- 2x 1.5 hour practice sessions - 7:15-8:45 pm Tuesday & Thursday.
U17- 2x 1.5 hour practice sessions - 8:00-9:45 pm Monday & Wednesday.
*Our U7/U9 will host a Lacrosse Festival. This is one day and lands on a weekend. This division will also have the opportunity to register for Festivals with our neighboring clubs.
*U11 to U17 will participate in SSLL League Playoffs from June 20 to 22 in Moose Jaw.
*U11 to U17 teams will have the option to participate in the Saskatchewan Lacrosse League Box House Provincials. U11 June 14/15 or June 28/29 in Regina. U13 to U17 June 28/29 in Regina.
*Weyburn Lacrosse intends to host tournaments for the U11 to U17 age divisions. Date(s) TBD
*All teams can propose registration to Sanctioned tournaments as they see fit. Registration dependent on WLA and SLA approval.
Yes. This was a huge success last year, introducing our U9 age division to full floor games. Our goal will be to continue to host 4-6 games on Friday evenings with officials for this group.
U5: $50
U7: $120
U9: $145
U11: $200
U13: $200
U15: $275
U17: $275
**Registration fees remain the same as last season and include: all floor time, training for Team Staff, Officials compensation, Athlete Insurance, League fees and administrative costs for the season.
**For Age Divisions U11 to U17, please register before March 15th, to avoid a late registration fee of $50. These age divisions participate in the South Sask Lacrosse League, and we need to have our numbers in to create a League schedule. There is a fair bit of administrative work that can occur when numbers changes.
**For Age Divisions U5 to U9, there is no registration deadline.
Fundraising helps keep registration costs low for our families. The WLA plans to partake in the “Growing Smiles” fundraiser again. A fundraising buyout has been added as a package in addition to registration fees for families who do not wish to participate in the annual fundraiser. If your family is participating, please avoid this package in Registration. The fundraising buyout is due April 15th.
We anticipate that the Rattler’s Field Lax season will take place in the fall again this season based on the success of last fall season. Please stay tuned for Updates.
No. We have noted that several families purchase these either with registration or throughout the season. We have set a Short Purchase deadline of March 1st to ensure shorts arrive prior to Regular season games. These shorts are offered at a discounted rate of $30.00 as they go in as a bulk order. Shorts purchased after this deadline are $35.
Go to the Lax Pro Shop on the Menu bar to purchase shorts.
Please get in touch with a board member or email: if you have any additional questions.
NOW!! It is time to dust off that old stick and get ready to have some fun on the LAX floor!!